Monday, February 24, 2014

let's talk CLOTH.

So, here's the deal. We have been making some serious changes lately and things have been BEYOND hectic. I am so so sorry I have been MIA.
Tons has happened since I posted last. We moved into a new place, we switched Milo to cloth diapers, I have started a new business endeavor... Talk about overwhelming.

Let's talk cloth diapers.
What's the difference? What's the point? Why did I switch?

When I had Milo, we were living at my husband's grandmother's house. Things were weird for me there and doing laundry was a huge pain in the butt. I didn't even want to try cloth diapers because it seemed like more of a pain than it would be a benefit. Milo is 8.5 months old now and we switched about a week ago. Let me tell you, I am LOVING it. I really do wish I would have just started out with cloth from the get go.
The difference between cloth diapers and disposables is obvious; but it is more than just reusing one, and throwing away the other. The cost is the biggest difference. In the first two years, expect to spend over 2,000 in diapers for EACH KID. And we all know not every toddler is potty trained by the age of 2.
I bought milo 5 cloth diapers and I have been washing them a few at a time during the day so we dont run out until our next shipment gets here. for the 5 diapers and two extra inserts, I spent $50. I ordered him 9 more and a few extra inserts, and spent another $50. And with that $100, he will be set on diapers as long as I do one load of cloth laundry per day. You can't tell me that alone isn't worth it! Cloth diapers are both frugal and eco friendly! And every crunchy mama, young or old, can love that!
I switched for those two reasons, but also for the fact that they're CUTE! There are so many different prints and colors. the possibilities really are endless! I promise, it's the way to go.
Not to mention, the resale value is almost as high as the retail value. So, in all reality, cloth diapers could be almost free!

When I was preparing for the switch, I found these links extremely helpful.

1 comment:

  1. Milo is adorable Destiny! We did the cloth diapers with the oldest two for awhile. It really saves money, just a little more clean up. I hope you enjoy the pumpkin bread! When my third boy was Milo's age he loved the stuff. Have a great weekend!
