Monday, February 24, 2014

for the love of food.

We are finally getting settled into our new place and I am absolutely loving it. I love having my own kitchen to cook in. I can finally cook without frustrations of being in someone else's kitchen.
I have tried a ton of new recipes just being here for two weeks and hubby is LOVING IT. Milo is too, actually! Let me tell you, that kid is an eater! He chows down on some pork chop. Loves his veggies. Goes crazy over bread and potatoes. What can I say? He's a foodie and carb lover just like his mama!
Out of everything I have made in the last two weeks, Milo's favorite has been the homemade popsicles I made for him. I was looking for a healthy alternative for ice cream, which me and my hubby eat on a semi regular basis after dinner.
I make smoothies almost every morning for breakfast. I love them and all the endless flavor combinations.Plus, they're fast,easy, you can take them on the go, easy clean up. All around, a great start to my day! After making these smoothies for multiple days in a row, and Milo really liking them, I decided to make him some fruit popsicles.
I bought a big bag of frozen fruit from Costco, it has pineapple, mango, strawberries, and papaya. I just threw a bunch of the fruit in my blender, a tiny bit of all natural fruit juice, some water, about a cup of yogurt, and a banana. Once I blended that all together I just poured it into popsicle molds and let them harden. The next night I gave him one and he went absolutely bananas over it. It's something that is so simple, pretty cheap, and it also helped sooth his gums since he is teething yet again.

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