Sunday, January 5, 2014

mad men

The last week has been crazy busy for us. My husband works for a company that does marine decking. Well, when they don't have work in Seattle (where we live), he has to travel and stay down in Portland for a period of time. This time, It's two weeks... As far as we know at least. So, we have been getting ready for that, he actually leaves first thing tomorrow morning.
It always sucks when he's gone because for one, he's my hubby and I will obviously miss him For two, Milo is to the age where he recognizes his daddy, and he is a total Daddy's Boy. Let's not forget he will ALWAYS be a Mama's Boy, but lately he has been reaching for his daddy more than he ever used to. It's really cute, actually.
On top of that, Milo has been sick AND teething. Two things that should never never ever go together... When it does happen, I refer to it as "Hell." It's a dark, sad, scary place. A place with screaming babies, slobbering and snot nosed monsters, and a mama who is zombified from sleep deprivation. My poor baby has had a runny nose so bad that at one point he was blowing snot bubbles from his nose. GROSS. The teething thing will be over any day now, praise Jesus. His two top teeth are going to bust through those gums any minute, I can feel it! Then he will have FOUR teeth. which is so crazy to me... He's growing up WAY too fast.
Two things that have saved my life the last few days: A nasal aspirator and my boobs. Yes, my boobs. Or if you aren't breastfeeding, non-medicated saline drops will do the trick. Since Milo has been so stuffed up, what I do so he can breathe while he eats, sleeps, or sucks his paci; I suirt a drop of breast milk in each nostril, let it sit for a few seconds, suck out the mucus with the aspirator, and when you get everything out of his nose and suirt a little more breast milk in each side. Breast milk, honestly, cures all! I promise! From pink eye to diaper rash, breast milk can help it! If you do this with the saline, you dont have to put the second dose in after you suck his nose.
I am literally falling asleep as I type because my lovely son has decided to wake me up constantly through the night, which I'm not used to at all because he has usually slept through the nights.... So, mama's, I feel your pain.... It's bed time.

Below is a list for a bunch of different uses for breast milk. Brought to you from a group on Facebook called Breast Friends, check 'em out!

Pink eye, sties, eye redness/soreness/puffiness – apply a few drops in the affect eye(s), 4 times a day until symptoms are gone

Diarrhea – breastfeeding your child helps prevent and treat diarrheaDiaper rash – apply and allow to air dry

Cold sore – apply and allow to air dry

Warts – apply and allow to air dry

Minor cuts, burns and scrapes – apply, allow to air dry then bandage as needed 

Stuffy / runny nose – squirt a few drops in each nostril

Sore / cracked nipples – apply and air dry

Ear infections – squirt a few drops in affected ear

Insect bites – apply and the itching will go away

Rashes, eczema – wash with clean water, apply milk and let air dry

Acne – wash face and apply breastmilk with fingertips or a cotton ball (real cotton, synthetic can irritate the skin)

Chicken pox – apply to sores and will help with itching

Sore throat – drinking breast milk will help fight the infection

Tooth decay – breastmilk does not grow bacteria

Plugged tear ducts – squirt a few drops in the corner of the eye (by the nose) a few times a day

Contact lenses – dry lenses or run out of solution? Substitute breast milk, it’s sterile

Leg ulcers – apply a few drops of breast milk

Cancer – some cancer patients use breastmilk to supplement their cancer treatment, and are successful 

Breast Cancer – breastfeeding can help prevent breast cancer in the mother

Osteoporosis – breastfeeding may help prevent osteoporosis in the mother

Diabetes, heart disease, childhood cancers, ear infections, obesity – breastfeeding your child can help prevent these diseases.

wrikles & fine lines - breastmilk diminishes them

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