Sunday, January 12, 2014

Sick and tired of being sick and.... teething.

Where do I start? Milo has been sick AND teething for the last week or so. For anyone who hasn't experienced this, you're very lucky. It's definitely not fun. 
But on the bright side his two top teeth are pretty have cut almost completely through! That means the teething is almost over, for now anyway!
Zachery has been in Portland all week so I have been rocking it out, single mom style, since Monday. And will continue that until next Friday!
Funny story, we were FaceTiming & Milo heard zacherys voice and completely tried to attack the phone. It was so cute he actually recognized his daddy over the phone. Love those boys :)
Needless to say this week has been full of craziness! One minute Milo is happy as can be, the next minute he is screaming because I have to suck the snot out of his nose! So not fun, but someone has got to do it, right?
Plus side to sick days? We get to babywear & cuddle all day! 

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