Thursday, February 6, 2014

balancing the bar.

Life has been moving so fast in the last month. From hubby being out of town, my laptop breaking, etc. But that's life, and we have been flowing with the wind.
So! With everything happening, I havent gotten to post in awhile. In that time, Milo has almost mastered crawling. Last time I posted, Milo was teething. He has since then cut his teeth and is getting more. Needless to say, he has been one cranky baby.
I really hate teething. there is nothing enjoyable about it. Then all of a sudden, they pop through and you have your kid back! Like magic (;
We are preparing to move in a few days and Milo being cranky does not make that any less stressful, it actually makes me want to pull my hair out. And of course Zachery isn't much help when he is fussy.
Moms don't get enough credit. People say "oh you just stay at home with the baby all day? I'd love to sit at home all day." reality check... You probably wouldnt. A lot of people aren't cut out for mom life. Especially young-mom life. Trying to balance a social life and family life. That might be hard to all moms, at any age. But at 21 most kids are in college and just wanting to party.
I had a friend come visit from New York that I havent seen in a good 10 years. It was so hard to see him the week he was here because  I couldn't just drop what I was doing to meet up and hang out. I couldn't just get up and get ready and go out to the bar. It's tough, and people without kids, guys especially, just don't understand... But I wouldnt have it any other way. Putting Milo to bed, and spending time with him during the day, and watching him sleep, trumps all. ALL.

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